Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 3

I finished my statue of liberty. I think it looks good since all the blue is removed. I am not done with the dog yet because i want to make it look really realistic. I also ate skittles during the class period. I am also going to have to start  a new project which is combining a rhino and a zebra.


I advanced on the picture of the dog. I had to make it look more realistic in a way.Also we had gotten assigned a new project: the statue of liberty where we have to remove the sky. I am planning to get my dog picture complete so I don't get caught up with work.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 1

Mr. Cornell asked us to create a blog in class. I also advanced in my healing brush assignment. I still have to work on it though to make it look good. At school, it was blast from the past but I didn't dress up for it, I might do the next day, maybe.